This week was a weird one and honestly seemed to drag on! It seemed we didn't have any time to even stop and think, let alone search for new people to teach. It's always a fear of mine that the last week of changes will be bad and my companion won't want to do anything to get new investigators but this week I'm going to make sure that we work our butts off to find the people the Lord has prepared for us.
This last week we had the baptism of Estiven. It was great to finally baptize him and help him have more direction in his life. Estiven and his family are such great people and his little brother Alexander has a baptismal date set for the 18th of October. It's great to be able to help so many people here and to help the young people. There are so many here that get into bad things and have bad friends that lead to a life of drinking and drugs. It's great to see how much of a difference the Gospel makes in every single persons life! They truly do become closer to God and Jesus Christ.
Although this work is not easy, it is worth it! I love having something to defend down here and to have something to give to others. I know that this Gospel truly does bless all of us and I know it is the only way to have true happiness. I hope that you all are able to watch the General Conference sessions this coming weekend and not only watch/listen, but apply and live what the General Authorities will teach us through revelation from God.
I love you all and hope you all have a great week.
Con mucho Amor,
Elder Hunt
Me and my Companion waiting for the baptismal font to fill up, watching The Testaments |
Estiven's Baptism |
Estiven and his family |
Estiven |
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