Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 53

Well, it's the first week of the second year here on my mission:) I wish that I could say that it was an extraordinary week but I would be lying haha! It was about the same as any other week! On Thursday night we went up to the roof and burned one of my shirts (Half way missionary tradition).  It went up in flames super fast and was super cool to see and do :) 

This week was a little rough on the numbers and we didn't have the people that we wanted to in church on Sunday but we were able to help some people out and we should have a better week this week. So, this last week in my training I talked a little bit about about goals that we set as missionaries and how we help people with these goals. It made me really look back and see that I have set many goals throughout this last year but I wasn't able to achieve all of them. It makes me want to set more precise, and attainable goals this year so that I can keep improving as my time here in the mission grows! 

Goals are such an important aspect in our lives but often times we just decide to stay where we are and that that's okay, but that is not the essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Something that I like teach all of the people that I visit is, that Jesus Christ didn't only teach us words that we study in a book, he taught us how to live! He showed us the lifestyle we need to live to have all the blessings from God. I know it is hard to do but we really need to look deep into our lives and find what we can change and get better at so that we can continually be better people and better Children of God! 

I know that this Church is true and I know that although it may be hard sometimes, it does make us into the people that God wants us to be, not just who we want to be. The will of God exists for our benefit so that we can be able to make it back to live with our Father In Heaven. I Really have come to love all of the things God gives to us! I am striving to make them important aspects in my life so that I can construct the foundation under me that will allow me to resist the temptations of Satan! 
I love you all and I hope you all have a great week! 
Con mucho amor, 
Elder Hunt

The Traditional "1 Year Down" Shirt Burning :)

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