Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 60

Well, changes have arrived, and man has this change flown by! I will be staying here in Riobamba for at least another change and I'll have the pleasure to spend it with Elder Lopez! I'm super excited for this change and I know that we are going to get a lot done and help the people that our Father in Heaven has led us to. 

This last week was quite the crazy one but it turned out being a pretty good week. On Thursday we had to go to Quito for a Medical Appointment. I had to see what is going on with my kidneys. I really don't like Quito because it's super cold and rains a ton, plus I just don't like the big city :P It doesn't help that from Riobamba it's about 4 hours to travel by bus. We got there and were able to eat lunch then we spent the rest of the day in the hospital to do tests. Finally the Doctor was able to examine the test results. He told me that he doesn't know what's going on..... so he gave me some pills and said maybe these will help haha! I've just given up and decided that I need to suck it up and just keep working ;) 

We finally got home on Friday and were able to do a tour of the church for someone we are teaching who is preparing himself to get baptized. His name is Mario Z:) It was a really neat experience and he now knows that this church is the true church! He's having a few problems changing, as his whole family attends another church. We've been trying super hard to work with the rest of them but it's easier said than done! He understands so much, to the point that when we were in a lesson yesterday he started using the Book of Mormon to show his wife that what she was saying was wrong and that what we've been teaching is true. Please make sure to keep him in your prayers so we can help him get baptized. 

On Saturday, we were able to go out with the members to a little town called Chambo on the outskirts of Riobamba to help a family of members make Pig Pens. Basically, we had to get it all started and had to lay the foundation, which was not small by the way! We got out there at 7 am and left about 1:30 pm. We only finished half of it but I'll tell you what, I've never been so sore haha! It was most definitely worth it and the family was super happy!! Service really does pay off and brings you so much happiness!! 

Yesterday was a hard day with getting our investigators to church but we were able to get a bunch of less active members there so it was all good:) It was quite the busy week and the time just keeps going by faster and faster. I truly do love this work and I am thankful to be able to get to know so many amazing people! I hope that you all have a great week and that you can look for all of the opportunities that our Heavenly Father puts in your path to serve someone else. 

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Hunt

Service in Chambo
(Building Pig Pens)

My New Ponch :)

Some Pictures of our Apartment - Riobamba

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Week 59

I honestly don't know where the time is going, but it is going by super fast and it needs to slow down a little bit! This week was a good one and went by super fast. It was one of the best weeks I've had since being here in Riobamba! As of right now we have a family of 5 that we are teaching but only the parents are interested. We are  also teaching the husband of a recent convert. They both should be getting baptized on the 28th of March so I'm excited for that but its going to require a lot of effort on our part! 

This past week on Wednesday, President Christensen came and we had a Zone Conference. It was nice to be able to listen to him and have him help us to  stay focused. We talked about the importance of having a good Ward Counsel and also about becoming consecrated missionaries, which is something my companion and I have been striving to get better at. 

We were able to go to a Stake activity on Saturday that was super cool. We watched some of the native dances they have here and it was great to be able to spend some time with the members and see some more of the culture. 

On Sunday I was able to do an interview for the Sister Leaders that are in my district and they should be having a baptism this week. Hermana Lindsay will end her mission with a Baptism:) We were able to have 2 people at church and quite a few less active members so it was a great week in all!

 Today we all got together at the Stake Center to have a going home party for two missionaries that are ending their missions this week. We played soccer, basketball, volleyball, and UNO. Then we went and ate pizza haha! It was a great day today!  

I really hope you can all start to prepare for General Conference in a few weeks and that you can all have a great week! I love this work and I love my Heavenly Father. I know that you all are being blessed for my sacrifices here and it gives me more motivation to give all I have to the lord. I know that through Sacrifice come the blessings of Heaven. 

I love you all and am praying for you. 
Con mucho amor, 
Elder Hunt

Week 58

So this week wasn't much different from any of the others. It's been a little bit hard here. The people we have aren't really progressing, which means we have to continue to look for more people to teach. Not going to lie it has been a little bit hard and at some times discouraging as the people just aren't as accepting as we are used to. We have been able to find some great people and great families that we are helping right now! 

Both my companion and I have not felt super good this week, which doesn't help with the fact that we're having to walk and look for people a lot. It's amazing that at the time when you think you can't go anymore, that's when the lord gives you the strength necessary to keep working! I know that this change will be awesome! I'm looking forward to another change with Elder Lopez if that's what the Lord has in store for us. 

On Sunday I was able to attend 6 hours of church as one of my Zone Leaders got really sick and wasn't able to go to church. I went on divisions with his companion and I was able to do a Baptismal Interview for them. Overall it was a great morning and I was more than happy to do it :) One of the families we invited to church showed up and stayed all three hours. We talked a little bit afterwards and they commented on how much they enjoyed it and how much they were able to learn. It's great to see that they actually understand and have the desires to follow in Gods path! 

This morning we were able to go to Baños in the Orient about 2 hours away and were able to see some massive Waterfalls they have there. It was great to see a prime example of what an opposing force does over so much time and how powerful it was! I know that through the opposition we are experiencing here, we will be made stronger! I hope that you all have a great week and can remember that our Heavenly Father loves you all!

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Hunt

Baños Waterfalls - March 16th 2015


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Week 57

Wow the time is just flying by!!! It's already week 4 of this change and it seems like it's only been 1! As I've said before, time here is super weird! I've learned that the more focused I am and the harder I'm working the faster it goes! Some weeks seem like we weren't able to get much done and I know that I need to get myself on a better schedule so that I can keep up with the many tasks I have to do everyday.

This last week seemed really short and went by super fast but it was a good one as we were able to get a lot done :) To start off, we had to start finding people to teach as we were very quickly running out but with the Lords help we were able to find two new families and teach them this week:) It is going to require a lot on our part to keep them progressing and to help them receive their answer but I know that if we are diligent and work with the Lord we can do it and continue to help many people here in this area! 

On Thursday, I had the opportunity to go to Quito (about 4 hours away) for a Conference with our Mission President for the District Leaders here in the Mission. It was great to be able to see some of the missionaries that I have gotten to know here in the mission. I was able to  receive further instruction as to what I can do to become a better leader and to be able to help those in my district better. I'm not going to lie, I don't really like being in Quito as it is a really big city, but hey at least the food is good there! Speaking of which, my companion and I are going to start going hard on the exercising this week! We're both getting fat haha! It doesn't help that we have a really good Pizza and Burger place here in our sector :P 

On Saturday, we were able to have a baptism. Her name is Lesly. She is the sister of a member here in the branch and she is super great! She was so happy to finally be able to be baptized and I was happy to be able to be there and perform the ordinance for her! On sunday she was able to be confirmed and you could just see a huge difference in her and how happy she was :) We were able to get a few less active members and one of our other investigators to church so it was a pretty great day! 

It's been pretty hot here so its definitely nice as it's not humid but a dry heat. Sure makes me miss Utah!! Overall everything here has been great!Elder Lopez and I are just striving to work hard and be diligent and obedient to what the Lord wants us to do. This week I was able to study a few talks that really helped me out. They helped me to recognize what we have to do everyday in our lives. There was one quote that stated, "It is many days well lived that add up to a successful life." 

I know that what it says in Alma 37:6-7 is true "that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." If we will but focus on our daily lives and strive to do all that we can today, and to be a little bit better than we were yesterday, I know that we can achieve many things! I love you all and I am praying for you. I hope you all have a great week this week and can reach your true potential. 
Con mucho amor, 
Elder Hunt 

Lesly's Baptism - Elder Hunt & Elder Lopez